Catalog Reference Videos
Need help searching the Placentia Library District’s catalog? Check out our Catalog Reference Videos for to learn how to use our catalog and find exactly what you are looking for.
The Catalog Reference Videos are designed to help you better search the Placentia Library District’s catalog.
Library Catalog Basics
This video will teach you how to complete a basic library search and You will also learn how to understand the information listed about the books in our catalog, including how to place a hold and how to determine the books location in the library.
How to Filter your Searches
This video will teach you how to narrow your search results down from thousands to dozens using the Placentia Library District's catalog feature. You will learn to filer by: authors, format, publication date, language, material type, and subject.
This video will teach you how to browse the catalog to find items when you don’t have a specific item in mind. You will learn how to find subject headings and how to use a book you like to find similar books.
How to Download an eBook
This video will teach you how to download and access electronic materials directly from our catalog. You will also learn how to access your eBooks, and some key features of reading books online.
How to Search for Accelerated Reader (AR) Level
This video will teach you how to browse the catalog for the accelerated reader (AR) level.