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Tell Us What to Buy

Is there an item you think we should consider adding to our library collection? Please let us know by filling out the form below. Your input is greatly appreciated. 
Please note:
Due to the high volume of suggestions received, we are unable to send individual notifications concerning purchases. While the Placentia Library District strives to make our collection as responsive as possible to community needs, we are unable to purchase every title that is suggested. 

How it works:

  1. Search the catalog to verify that we do not own the item you are looking for.  
  2. Complete the form below.  The library will not consider suggestions for books more than 30 days in advance of publication. 
  3. Staff will review your request and purchase items based on our collection development policy.   
  4.  If purchased, you will automatically be placed on the request list. Some items may be ordered through our Zip Books program sponsored by the California State Library.  If your item will be sent though Zip Books you will receive a separate email with specific instructions for the item.
  5. If your requested item is not purchased by the library, we may be able to obtain the book for you via interlibrary loan.  Please contact the Information Desk at (714) 528-1906 or for details.