Gayle Carline

Library Board President Gayle Carline was a software engineer for almost 30 years, but her passion was always for reading and writing. She is a weekly humor columnist for the Placentia News-Times, and has written a mystery series set in Placentia. President Carline is married and has one son. When President Carline’s son was younger, her volunteer efforts included being President of the Valencia High School Choir Boosters and working on the VHS Grad Night festivities. Once he left for college, she turned to her second love, the local library, and joined the Placentia Library Friends Foundation, where she was a board member for two years. When an opening appeared on the library Board of Trustees, she applied for the position. President Carline is as passionate about libraries as she is about books, and is honored to be a member of the Placentia Library District Board of Trustees. She has been a member of the board since her appointment in 2011.