Library of Things (LOTs)

Check out a sewing machine, popcorn machine, guitar, Nintendo Switch and more from your library - for free! Our Library of Things collection has a range of items including household tools, arts and craft items, laptops and more that you can check out for a free 2-week checkout with your adult Placentia Library card.
Please check out the links and guidelines below to learn more about our Library of Things collection and see a list of items available!
- Click here to view a list of our LOTs items and request an item on our catalog!
- Click here to request a mobile hotspot!
- Click here to request an Acer Chromebook and hotspot kit!
Or, browse for Library of Things items by type:
- Creative Arts: Cricut machines, guitars and more!
- Education: STEAM kits, telescopes and more!
- Recreation: Bounce houses, games and more!
- Technology: Nintendo Switches, GoPro cameras and more!
- Tools: Drill set, hedge trimmer and more!
Would you like us to consider adding an item? Click here to share ideas for Library of Things items!
Guidelines for Borrowing and Use
- Items lent out by the Placentia Library District through its Library of Things collection (“LOTs”), may only be checked out from the Information Desk.
- A valid Placentia Library card with current address and no outstanding fines above $10.00 is required to borrow LOTs items.
- A valid government issued ID with picture and current address must be presented. Library staff will make a photocopy and retain with this agreement prior to LOTs checkout. If the address on ID and account do not match, you will be asked to validate your account by bringing proof of address. Proof of address is valid up to a year.
- Borrowers must be 18 years old or older.
- Borrowers must read, understand, and sign a Lending Agreement at the Information Desk in the presence of a library staff member in order to check out a LOTs item.
- Borrowers will review LOTs item in the presence of a library staff to confirm it is complete and undamaged before LOTs item is checked out.
- Borrowers must return LOTs item to a library staff at the Information Desk and must review LOTs item in the presence of staff to confirm LOTs item is complete and undamaged. Within 48hrs library staff will test LOTs item to confirm it’s functional. If LOTs item is NOT functional, the borrower is solely responsible for the LOTs item and will be billed for reasonable repair or replacement costs associated with damage or/and neglect or abuse.
Time and Loan Limits
- LOTs item may be borrowed for two (2) weeks, and may NOT be renewed.
- Customers may borrow only one (1) LOTs item at a time.
Fines and Liability
- LOTs item not returned by due date will be reflected as lost in the borrowers account. Borrower is responsible for full replacement cost or must return LOTs item. Borrowers account will be sent to collections if LOTs item is not returned or paid within 30 days.
- The borrower is solely responsible for the LOTs item and will be billed for reasonable repair or replacement costs associated with damage or loss of LOTs item and/or peripherals due to neglect or abuse.
- The responsibility to protect against loss is the borrower’s.
- Placentia Library District is not responsible for the loss of any data while using this equipment.
- WARNING: Penal Code 490.5(a) provides that upon conviction for petty theft involving a book or other library materials taken from a library facility, a person shall be punished by a mandatory fine of not less than $50 and not more than one $1,000 for each such violation; and may also be punished by imprisonment in the county jail, not exceeding six months, or both such fine and imprisonment.
Proper Care and Use
- As with any LOTs item, use care when handling.
- Return LOTs with all parts and components.
- Borrower must clean and sanitize LOTs item, as directed in the user manual provided.