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Notice of Vacancy in the Elected Office of Placentia Library District Board of Trustee, Apr 21, 2022


With the resignation of former Trustee Al Shkoler effective as of April 23, 2022, a vacancy has been created in the office of the Placentia Library District Trustee Board of Trustee.  The Board of Trustees is seeking letters of interest from applicants who are eligible for the office to fill the unexpired portion of Mr. Shkoler, which term expires on December 2, 2022.  The requirements of the office are as follows: (1) you must be a resident within the Placentia Library District whose boundaries are the same as the City of Placentia; (2) you must be a citizen over the age of 18; and (3) be a registered voter. 

Duties of a Trustee include, but are not limited to, making policy decisions governing the operation of the library, approving contracts and purchases, and hiring the Library Director.  The Board of Trustees meets the third Monday of every month at 6:30 p.m. and has additional special meetings from time to time. 

Letters of interest should be sent to the following address: 

Placentia Library District
411 E. Chapman Avenue
Placentia, CA 92870
Attn: Jeanette Contreras, Library Director

The letters of interest should state that the person submitting the letter meets the eligibility requirements and discuss why the person is interested in being appointed as a Trustee and the person’s qualifications for office and any other information you deem relevant for the Board’s consideration.  Please include a contact phone number and e-mail address.  The Board will consider all letters of interest from eligible candidates and select a person that it will recommend be appointed at a public meeting.  The final step in the process is for the Board to forward its recommendation to the Orange County Board of Supervisors, which makes the final decision on the appointment.  If appointed by the Board of Supervisors, the person would then take the oath of office and begin serving the Library District as a Trustee.

Letters of interest must be received by the Library District by April 30, 2022. 

If you have any questions relating to the position please direct your questions to the Library Director, Jeanette Contreras.  She may be reached at (714) 528-1906 or by e-mail at

Notice of Vacancy Shkoler 2022_0.pdf